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Put your information to work for you!
Your business is our business! With EzeScan’s integration capabilities, we want to make sure your captured data is put to work for you as fast as possible and that your data systems can work together.

A streamlined information strategy is the key for any successful digital transformation initiative.
The documents and data you capture can be seamlessly delivered to your line of business applications using EzeScan’s native integration capabilities.
Captured documents can be created in several output image file formats including:
Metadata can be output in custom txt, csv or xml format so it can be sent to any legacy system.
You can use your legacy systems import tools to pull the images and metadata or for supported systems you can use EzeScan’s inbuilt UPLOAD connector.
As vendors update their platform software releases, EzeScan updates these connectors.
As a result, our customers don’t have to rely on third party companies to create expensive one-off connectors.
If your system isn't on our supported system list, simply use our Plugin SDK to build your own output connector for EzeScan.
Either way we've got you integrated!