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ERC Module
EzeScan Email Record Capture Module (ERC)
EzeScan Email Record Capture (ERC) is an optional EzeScan module which can be added to both desktop and server configurations for operator assisted or automated email capture workflows. Unlike other email capture products ERC addresses the needs of Records Professionals by providing batch processing and power indexing capabilities with seamless integration to all EzeScan supported EDRM systems.

Features and Functionality
ERC Desktop Solutions
As a desktop solution an operator can import email in batches or process selected emails one at a time. A quick view feature assists in the selection of emails. EzeScan’s power indexing wizard guides an operator through the registration process. In many cases the email header data can be used to automatically register an email. For more detailed indexing requirements additional data can be captured via zonal OCR or use of the OCR pen.
Perform database lookups on the fly or select field data via drop down menus. Define and reuse static metadata to limit the number of keystrokes or eliminate them altogether to deliver impressive productivity gains. Output the email record either in its native eml format, preserving the integrity of header data and file attachment or optionally render the email as a PDF/A text searchable file, combining both header data and supported attachment formats.
ERC Server Solutions
Automatically register emails as a record using the ERC module with EzeScan Server. Email header data can be used to register an email automatically. For example the subject line might contain a reference number that corresponds to a filing location in your EDRMS. Output the email record either in its native eml format, preserving the integrity of header data and file attachment or optionally render the email as a PDF/A text searchable file, combining both header data and supported attachment formats. Process large volumes of email as records without operator intervention at speeds previously unattainable.
Native Output vs Rendered Output
When processing emails as a record (preferred option by Records Professionals) the attachments are kept within the eml file in their original native formats. Whereas when selecting ‘output as a rendered PDF’ each supported attachment type (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, .txt, .bmp, .gif, .png, .tif, .jpg, .pdf) is appended to the PDF. This PDF contains the rendered email header page followed by the rendered attachment pages.